Saturday, April 2, 2011

the love of my life

i have been in waht i thought was love alot in the last year i thought that i was done with love and then i met this girl and she is everything i have ever wanted in life beautiful wonderful personality and fun loving and she gets me and the best part is she makes me feel very special and i could see myself marrying this girl one day she is good to my son and i beleive she would be a good motherly figure for him and with the way his mother is he really needs that in his life and i need a woman that is gonna treat me good and not try to change me you know one that loves me for me and i get this from her i never thought i would say i would ever get married again but this one is something special and i love everything about her i wouldnt change a thing and i know she feels the same way about me and she is always trying to find away to make things interesting and i love that


heres what sucks is that everyday u can goto the store and find thing you might have gotten last week and the price has increased and the big problem here is the prices are increasing but the pay to employees are staying the same how does everyone expect the economy to get better if everyone is always broke because the prices of everything is sky rocketing due to the high price of fuel and yes people we are paying for that not only in our own vehicles but also on every product we buy because there is always a fuel surcharge to theses companies and that money has got to made up somehow and it is in the price of everything we buy on a day to day basis the fuel price constant increase has got to stop or we are all gonna be broke and the economy is gonna continue to get worse come on people tink about it

Dead Beats

something that really gets me is i am a single father of a wonderful 14 year old have been separated from his mother for almost 3 years and i give her 2 years to voluntarily pay child support and she refused so i take her for child support and she tells the people i work with that im a worthless father but i have been the one taking care of him by myself all this time and she is the on that took all of his christmas back in 2009 because he didnt want anything to do with her and in 2010 she didnt so much as call him for easter or his birthday or that christmas he got nothing from her not even a card but its my fault he hates her and not to mention the first year i was separated from her she would call him and tell him she was coming to get him and then the day of she would call me and tell me she had something to do with someone elses kid and couldnt come to see him and i would have to tell him and it would break my heart because i knew he wanted to see her its not me hurting its him because he knows his mom is worthless what do u tell a child to comfort him he acts like he dont care then he will bring up the past and i know he wants to see her but what am i suppose to do i cant make her be a good mom and something else for the last 2 years she will come into his life and promise him things like a cell phone or a beach trip and then he never gets it why would a parent promise there child anything without knowing if there gonna be able to do it because then there disapointment why would a parent do that